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Here you’ll be able to browse churches by using the map so you can see where in the city our Christchurch churches are located. You’ll find a range of churches in Christchurch, and all the different Christian denominations. Meet locals with shared values and the love of Jesus, whether you're located in Burnside, Hornby, Opawa, Sumner or anywhere our garden city has on offer.
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North Beach Christian Fellowship
Pentecostal Missionary Church of Christ (4th Watch) – Christchurch, NZ
St Andrews Presbyterian Church
St Luke’s Anglican Church
St. Teresa of Lisieux Church, Parish of Christchurch West
The Salvation Army Church of Christchurch City
FAQ's for those curious to welcome God, the Gospel & Jesus into their life
How do I welcome God, the Gospel & Jesus into my life?
Faith is more than just turning up to Sunday Service once a week, it’s a lifestyle, a community of friends who share similar values and believe in one another. God’s work and the ministry can foster young adults into first class, authentic Kiwi leaders, and install family culture in their habits. Church is open for everyone to join us across New Zealand. You’ll experience friendly warm welcomes, and in each sermon, you’ll strengthen your relationship with God. Throughout the week, churches also connect groups and host various programmes. Some are for teens, such as youth groups, and others for every age. If you join one of the many Christchurch churches, you’ll find life groups and a community of support for you to thrive within.
If I'm based outside of Christchurch, are there any virtual semens I can access?
Absolutely. Regardless of your location, you can worship from a distance by jumping online and following Christchurch churches every Sunday. An example of online religious channels is –
Are there social groups within Christchurch churches for youths that you can recommend as authentic and real?
We don’t recommend, as such, but any youth groups listed on our directory have been approved by our senior management team as genuine and suitable to inspire, learn and mentor.
Fill out the information below and we will be in touch to add your Church to our growing directory.
Feel free to connect with us for a more detailed conversation about how you might sponsor an event, Donate or assist the WoW movement in it's world-changing mission.