Hamilton Youth Groups
If you’re young, and looking for a great community of people with good values, fun things to do and life-long friends, then check out our Hamilton youth groups directory below.
What Do Youth Groups in Hamilton Offer?
Youth groups are usually located at local churches, and offer skill development, social, self esteem boosting activities and good times. Young people tend to love youth groups, and it install Christian values that will help them in life.
Not found
Activate Church Hamilton
Activate Youth (Highschool)
Every Friday night during term time
Agora Church
Merge Youth (Highschool)
Every Friday night during school term
ARISE Church Hamilton
ARISE Youth (Highschool)
Friday nights during term time
Chartwell Cooperating Church
Unplugged (Highschool)
Every second Friday during term time
Destiny Church Hamilton
Youth Nation (Highschool)
Tuesday night during term time
Fairfield Baptist Church
Engraved Youth (Ages 13-18 years)
Friday nights during term time
Hamilton New Life Church
Hype Youth (Year 7-13)
Every Friday night
Hamilton South Baptist Church
Southies Youth group
Wednesday nights during term time
Hope Chapel Hamilton
HC YTH (highschool)
Every Friday’ during school term
Hukanui Bible Church
Hukanui Youth (Highschool)
Wednesdays during term time
Northgate Community Church
Purpose Youth (Highschool)
Every Thursday night
River City Bible Church
FM Youth (Highschool)
Every Friday night
St Andrews Presbyterian Church
Multicultural Youth Ministry (year 7-13)
Every Sunday
St Marks Anglican Church
SMAC Youth (year 7-13)
Thursdays during term time
The Potter’s House Christian Church
Elevate (Highschool)
Every 2nd Friday during school term
West Hamilton Community Church
WHY Youth Group (Highschool)
Friday nights during term time
Whitiora Bible Church
WBC Youth (Highschool)
Thursday nights during term time
Fun Things to do in Hamilton
Get added to the youth group directory
Fill out the information below and we will be in touch to add your Youth Group to our growing directory.
Feel free to connect with us for a more detailed conversation about how you might sponsor an event, Donate or assist the WoW movement in it's world-changing mission.