Kitchen Klub by YouthAliveTrust

Every Mondays during school term, 4:00pm- 5:00pm for Years 5-9

This programme is all about food! It’ll teach the basics of cooking and baking, how to make a variety of sweet and savoury delights for you (+ the family!) $60 a term, includes all ingredients.

Kitchen Klub bookings are currently full until the end of the year.

Kitchen Klub by YouthAliveTrust

This club is all about food! It’ll teach the basics of cooking and baking, how to make a variety of sweet and savoury delights for you (and the whānau)! So be prepared for some fun times! Kitchen Klub is led by staff and volunteers who are all trained and safety checked.


Youth Alive Trust was established in 1989 to support young people in New Brighton and surrounding suburbs. We aim to support young people holistically; socially, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, through our programmes, our staff and volunteers.