Parklands Youth Centre

Tuesdays 3pm til 5pm & Thursdays 3pm-4.30pm for Year 6 to 10’s

The Parklands Youth Centre is a great place for young people to come after school and chill out with our youth workers. Come and check out the new Parklands Youth Centre at the Parkview Lounge.—parklands-youth-hangout

Parklands Youth Centre

The band new hangout at the Parkview lounge in Parklands for people in years 7-10. Contact Jasper for more details.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0221656633

CDNtrust: Adding Life to Life

Community Development Network Trust is a Christian-based youth work agency based in Riccarton Community Church. We work with young people throughout the Christchurch community but are based primarily in the Riccarton and Hornby areas.