RYC (Riccarton Youth Community)
All youth between years 9 to 13 are welcome.
RYC is a part of the Riccarton Community Church, with weekly youth groups being held every Friday night between 7pm-9pm at the RCC Church Hall, 44 Elizabeth Street, Riccarton.

RYC – Riccarton Youth Community
“Riccarton Youth Community is a supportive community seeking to make a positive impact in the lives of our youth, their families, neighbourhoods and the wider world. We believe that individuals thrive by connecting with God and with each other.
Our passion is to see each individual find their identity and purpose in God and grow into all He has for them.
We would love to see you at one of our programmes or events!”

RYC Youth Pastor - Matt Meek
Verified by Walkn On Water
Last verified - 21/04/23
A passion for youth and a desire to make a difference led Matt into Youth ministry 13 years ago. His role at RCC is responsible for the Intermediate, Youth and Young Adult ministries, overseeing all pursuits and supporting over 40 exceptional volunteer leaders across those ministry areas. Nothing excites him more than seeing young people meet Jesus and step into their full potential. Matt has two young sons and he loves most sports, but particularly cricket, football, volleyball and basketball.
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