Christmas Crawl

21st Dec 2024, Saturday @ 10:00 am
Imagine those last few days leading up to the excitement of Christmas Day. Wouldn’t a few peaceful moments of hush in between the frenzy of shopping lists and last-minute demands be a lovely breather?
Join the Christmas Crawl – and drop into one or all of these city churches to get a break of serenity, and a better appreciation of what Christmas is really about.
St Peter’s on Willis St, St John’s in the City, Central Baptist Church, and Wellington Cathedral of St Paul are all dressing their churches up for Christmas, with displays, installations, activities and self-guided tours that will give you and the children a different and meaningful understanding of the Christmas story.
Each church will be open for you to spend a welcome break on Saturday 21st, Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th from 11am – 3pm.
When you visit each church make sure to ask for them to stamp it on your map. See how many you can visit!




Join our event – Christmas Crawl

God’s great love fills and emanates out of the Wellington Cathedral of Saint Paul, a house of prayer and worship for the Nation.

Located in Thorndon, Wellington New Zealand, the Cathedral is both a local parish and the mother church of the Anglican Diocese of Wellington.

We are grounded in Scripture and the transforming Word of God in the person of Jesus Christ. Our love of God is expressed predominantly through Anglican liturgy and Choral worship. We are committed to maintaining our regular rhythm of prayer, growing together in community, being equipped as disciples and serving in mission.

May God meet with you here, inspire you by faith, fill you with hope and guide you in love.


Wellington Cathedral of St Paul

21st Dec 2024, Saturday @ 10:00 am


cnr Hill & Molesworth Sts, Thorndon

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